Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Economy

            Consumers are spending more to fill their tanks, feed their families and pay the rent. But what they don't know is that the number of people applying for unemployment benefits has reach the highest level in three months. To stimulate the growth next week when policy makers meet the higher prices could also keep the Federal Reserve from taking those major steps. If the prices go higher, the consumers will stop purchases appliances, furniture, and go on vacations. They are doing a decline to demand forces businesses to stop hiring and lay off workers. The benefits for unemployment have increased as well in the pass three weeks. "Some inflation can be healthy for the economy because it encourages people to spend and invest rather than sitting on their cash. More spending drives corporate growth, which makes businesses more likely to hire people."

            This is important because people have to be aware that they should save up money if they get lay off or they stop hiring for any work. At the same time is not good because people are not gonna have a chance to work and bring money to their homes. Is also true that some families night some spending their money and use it only for necessary stuff. I believe that some companies are gonna have to close down people they're gonna have enough people to buy in their company or their store. They will also loose tons of their money and they will get unemployed. People should be prepare for things like this because economy is going short on money and they have to be ready if anything happens.

            I can compare this with many other article i have read or heard from years back because the economy was not this bad as today, they consumer were lay off but they would get their jobs back less then a month. Also, the benefits for unemployment are higher then the few years back, this is telling the the economy get worse and many people are going to loose their jobs and are not going to have enough money. Articles from the passed years are different from the articles today about the economy because the government is showing us that he does not have enough money to help many of the people that don't have jobs. That is why many people are getting help from the unemployment because they need the money. Many People use to spend a lot of their money the pass years, and now people are going to stop spending most of their money, their going to cut on buying furniture, and taking expensive vacation trips.

            I did enjoy this article very much because it talked about what is happening today in the economy. It is preventing me from what is happening in the economy so I can prevent my parents as well just for their safety and not only mine. At the sometime I did not like it because now I am finding out what is really is happening with the economy and that many people might loose their job because of what is going on. Now that my mom doesn't have a job now I understand why she got lay off, and I am hopping that my dad doesn't. I really learned form this article and I am looking foreword on reading more about the economy because it really caught my attention.

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