Dr Conrad Murray is charged of causing the death of the King of Pop by negligently administering an overdose of propofol, a powerful hospital anaesthetic. When they started the trail, in those first five minutes, the jury was shown a picture of Jackson's pale, lifeless body, partly covered by a white sheet. It was juxtaposed with a picture of the singer taken the previous day, looking well and rehearsing on stage. Several of the King of Pop's family were in the court to hear out whats the jury had to say, including Jackson's mother, Katherine, and father, Joe; and siblings Jermaine, Janet, LaToya, Randy, Tito and Rebbie. Dr Murray, who was being paid 150,000 dollars a month to care for Jackson, has denied the charge, claiming that he was trying to wean the singer off the powerful drug that killed him. Also, Ed Chernoff, Dr Murray's lawyer, said that the singer "caused his own death". He added that Jackson swallowed eight 2mg lorazepam pills, pushing his blood concentration of the drug to 0.169 micrograms per milliliter, enough to put six people to sleep. Dr Murray was not around when Jackson did this. This trail will be hold for more five weeks.
This point is important because they are still looking for what kill Jackson. Is also important because Jackson's family want to really know what happen to him and also fans what to know the true. The jury wants to find more information and they want stop until they find what really happen and they are still going to be investigating more people that Jackson were close to and were there when Jackson died. Ever one else want to know if Jackson died because he didn't want it to go on with his life or problems he had.
I can’t not compare this article with another article that is better because this article is saying more information that the jury talk about with other people that where close to Jackson and had information about him. And I haven't read no more articles that talk about Jackson and how he got kill of drugs. This is interesting because is saying that Michael Jackson got kill because of drugs and it was said that he might killed him self. I wouldn't find another article that says enough information like I read this article and said enough for me to understand. And i am guessing there will be more because this won’t stop and there will be more details about Michael Jackson's death.
It helped me to understand it because is talking about Michael Jackson's death and is giving more information then the day he died. When Jackson died policies didn't find enough information for what cost his death. And in this article they found out persons that where there with Michael Jackson that day and they found Dr Murray who warns Jackson that the drugs he was taking was going to kill him and they were offering him money for his caring of the King of Pop. I am looking forward to read more articles like this of what is going to happen next and what the jury has to say about Michael Jackson's death.